Ren is on the hunt for romance, but in a world of tinder and zero commitment, getting lucky has never been harder. Full of relateable misadventures, MIXED MESSAGES is a frank, witty and cringe-worthy tale of looking for love in all the wrong places. From speed-dating, to meditation and even a kinky workshop, each unsuccessful liaison leads to her asking the ultimate question: i...
在我观影的那场映后,片中的三位博主@水稻杨哥、@开船的大橙子、@搬砖小伟都来到了现场分享。他们的言语中除了激动,更多是令人感动的真诚与淳朴。多年过去,他们虽已是快手网红,却一如往日,没有改变原先的轨道,没有去做那些自己不擅长的事“圈快钱”,依旧在种植、跑船和工地搬砖。Copyright © 2019-2024 秋霞电影网( All Rights Reserved