* Based on the manga by Inoue Noriyo看什么看,给老子弄点吃的,妈的,这群缺德鬼一天没给老子吃东西了,要是把老子饿出个好歹来,你们回去怎么向你们的主子交代”。老头脾气还挺大,看到丁长生看他,张口就骂。shi, which has also had a SNES game spin-off.
Natsume Kiroemon is the 45th leader of the Natsume family to inherit the Kouryuu no Mimi, a tool which gives its bearer easy access to wealth and women. As a result of his father's death, he leaves the Italian monastery where he had been training and to rightfully take on the name Natsume Kiroemon as well as the power of the Kouryuu no Mimi. Upon his return to Japan, he falls in love with Kanako, one of the members of the rival Mina family. However, the evil hand of the Mina family attacks Natsume repeatedly and abducts Kanako. But now that Natsume has unlocked the seal, making the Kouryuu's power surge, he can strike back at the Mina family.
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