At a prizefight of all places, Ben finds himself face to face with a fascinating woman named Zelda. And Zelda knocks him down with a single blow. Dazed, he stares into her eyes and believes it’s true love. Zelda is also deeply taken. What our lovers don’t yet know is that they share a dark secret.虽然从小就生活在乡村里,但是丁长生还是很向往城里的生活,特别是十里洋场的大上海,要不是周老板急着将梨运出来,丁长生真想在这里过几天醉生梦死的生活。“周正浩这个人不简单,我们回去之后就要马上组织车队将大家的梨都先运到城里来,他的车队已经等在在公司里了,可是一想到梨园村到城里的路,我这心里还是不踏实,一定要小心,千万不能出事,要不然为了卖梨死几个人就得不偿失了”。下了火车,丁长生边走边对身边的刘香梨说道。