Sight Unseen, in partnership with Bell Media’s CTV, follows Tess Avery (Dolly Lewis, The Dutchman’s Pipe), a top homicide detective who is forced to quit the job she loves after nearly killing her partner and being diagnosed as clinically blind. Reluctant to accept help, Tess uses an assistance app and connects with Sunny Patel (Agam Darshi, DMZ), a professional seeing-eye guide and an agoraphobe living 3,000 miles away. After losing her vision, Tess is haunted by the unsolved cases she left behind. Using a hidden camera and earpiece, Sunny remotely steers Tess through life’s obstacles – and crimes – as the two challenge preconceptions about ability, trust and where to draw the line. Inspired by one of the co-creators’ experiences with sight loss, viewers join Tess and Sunny as they bring a fresh perspective to solving crime.
既然你已经跟严清复合了,也选择相信她是无辜的,但请你以后不要再问我过得好不好,我不想严清有所误会。”他刚才问的时候,她还有点心动,现在连心动都没有了,剩下的只是凉凉的感觉。“她这么大方,又这么通情达理,怎么会误会呢?”陆廷轩抿了口红酒,悠悠地说道。Copyright © 2019-2024 秋霞电影网( All Rights Reserved