mojo mus影片选取的这些纪录对象,则代表了它真正的发声视角。每天有三千万的短视频被上传到平台,快手自身也已有数以百亿计的短视频。但片中的视频,主要涵盖的还是传统意义上的劳动者,农民、司机、小镇劳工这类群体,而不是城市中过着奢华生活的富人或更具猎奇性的内容。无论是在稻田里插秧、在江河里捕鱼,还是穿梭在纺织车间、钢筋水泥间,他们都在用自己的双手创造价值,创造自己的生活。e management制作
「写小说就是在讲述你希望的故事,但现实生活……就是接受事物原本的样子! 」
Produced by Mojo Muse Management
Pee is a writer who decided to stay at a homestay in a resort for writing inspiration, but due to renovation, the business was suspended. The owner Arthit proposed to refund the deposit through the system, but Pee refused to insist on staying in the house.
Pee spends her days and nights with Arthit here, creating shared memories. Pee hopes to turn Arthit's story into a part of her own novel, inspiring wild imagination and inspiration. Their relationship is getting closer and closer
Writing a novel is about telling the story you hope for, but in real life... it's about accepting things as they are
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