Follow Miguel and his accomplice Lilí, who are attempting to retrieve a treasure from an underwater shipwreck of a Spanish galleon that sank during the War of Independence on the Atlantic coast of Mexico. The pair must ask for the assistance of a group of bandits to accomplish the underwater heist but they later find out they are not the only ones after the forgotten treasure.王大虎,你嘴里喷什么粪呢,谁是你的女人啊,再胡说把你舌头拔了信不信”。“拔我舌头,你拔呀,过来拔呀,我巴不得呢”,这个叫王大虎的家伙果真是够虎的,一低头,将舌头伸出来,就像是热的不行的狗一样,哈达哈达的走向了江涵茜。